Lottery Calendar Reminder!

You’ve heard of “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday,” but have you heard of “Lottery Calendar Sunday?”

(“No, tell me more!” someone whispered, looking up from their pumpkin whatever…)

You can buy a St. Mark/St. Luke Lottery Calendar for your loved ones (or anyone, really, no judgement here), and for the low price of only $20 they have 90 chances to win $25-$50! Most days win $25, but some special days win more, so keep an eye on your Calendar! The game doesn’t start until January 1 2025, and it ends on March 31 2025 – making it the perfect Christmas present!

The lottery calendars are on sale before and after Masses through the month of December, but we will run out, so that’s why “Lottery Calendar Sunday” is so important.

Remember that for us to send the money to the winners you’ll put their Name and Address on the form when you buy the Lottery Calendar. If you are buying for yourself and you want to look like a pro, bring some return address labels.

Still reading? I guess I can tell you what a Lottery Calendar is: We monitor the PA lottery daily “Pick 3” (first EVENING drawing), and use that to determine the winner. We’ve printed 333 tickets, each with 3 numbers on it, so every day there WILL be a winner, and we will write a check and mail it to the name and address on the form filled out when the Lottery Calendar was bought. Each Calendar has one chance to win each day, but that chance is 3x higher because each lottery calendar has 3 numbers on it!

You want a special deal, you say? Savvy shopper, you. Get 3 for $60 !!!
(It’s a fundraiser, handicap-accessible entrances don’t grow on trees.)

See you on Sunday!