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St. Mark the Evangelist
Greencastle, PA
St. Luke the Evangelist Mission
Mercersburg, PA
St. Mark the Evangelist
Greencastle, PA
St. Luke the Evangelist Mission
Mercersburg, PA

Mass at St. Mark, Greencastle

  • Saturday Vigil 5 pm
  • Sunday 9 am
  • Monday through Saturday: Holy Hour with Morning Prayer and Rosary at 8 am, followed by Mass at 9 am
  • Livestreams of Masses

Mass at St. Luke, Mercersburg

  • Sunday 11 am


  • Saturdays at 4:00-4:45 pm at St. Mark
  • by appointment


Youth Protection
Diocese of Harrisburg
Youth Protection Program
To report suspected abuse of a minor, call the toll free PA Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-932-0313.

Link to Today’s Readings:

Eat at Compadres on Tuesday January 28 2025!

Please treat yourself and your family to a meal (take-out or dine-in) at Compadres Mexican Restaurant in Mercersburg on Tuesday January 28 2025 — be sure to mention when you place your order that you are part of St. Mark / St. Luke Church!

If you mention our church, a percent of the proceeds will be donated by Compadres to the St. Mark/St. Luke capital campaign!

Compadres Mexican Restaurant is at:
66 Church St
Mercersburg, PA 17236
Phone: (717) 498-0561

Called by Name Campaign

This Called by Name Campaign is not only an opportunity for us as individuals to be open to God’s calling in our lives. It is also a chance for us to allow God to call others through our invitation.
Is there someone you know who may be called to the priesthood or religious life? Help us to encourage them by sharing their name and contact information.
To share their information online, go to our website:
www.harrisburgvocations.org or fill out the form in the envelope we have provided and drop it in the collection basket. The candidate needs to be 15-40 years old and single. Those whose names are provided will receive a communication from Bishop Senior and the Vocations Office with encouragement and resources to hear and respond to God’s call for their life – no matter what it is.
Thank you for your generous participation in Called by Name Campaign. With your help, this initiative will bear fruit for our diocese for generations to come.

The St. Mark and St. Luke Sub and Pizza Fundraiser is here!

Help support our family of families – take orders from friends and family members!
Order forms are available now, inside the January 11-12 (2025) weekly bulletin! Extra order forms are also available from the church office.

Return the order forms, with money, to the church by Sunday, February 16, 2025. You can drop the forms and money (in the provided envelope) into the collection basket or stop by the office.

Pick up your subs and pizzas on Saturday, March 8, 2025 in the St. Mark Social Hall.

Many of us are already familiar with Marianna’s fundraisers, because they are a local favorite! The subs are 14 inches long and well worth the money! Many of the subs will come with peppers, onions, and sauces – but all of these items are separately vacuum-bagged to avoid flavor mingling and allow the hoagie to be stored for a few days before enjoying it.

Lottery Calendar Reminder!

You’ve heard of “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday,” but have you heard of “Lottery Calendar Sunday?”

(“No, tell me more!” someone whispered, looking up from their pumpkin whatever…)

You can buy a St. Mark/St. Luke Lottery Calendar for your loved ones (or anyone, really, no judgement here), and for the low price of only $20 they have 90 chances to win $25-$50! Most days win $25, but some special days win more, so keep an eye on your Calendar! The game doesn’t start until January 1 2025, and it ends on March 31 2025 – making it the perfect Christmas present!

The lottery calendars are on sale before and after Masses through the month of December, but we will run out, so that’s why “Lottery Calendar Sunday” is so important.

Remember that for us to send the money to the winners you’ll put their Name and Address on the form when you buy the Lottery Calendar. If you are buying for yourself and you want to look like a pro, bring some return address labels.

Still reading? I guess I can tell you what a Lottery Calendar is: We monitor the PA lottery daily “Pick 3” (first EVENING drawing), and use that to determine the winner. We’ve printed 333 tickets, each with 3 numbers on it, so every day there WILL be a winner, and we will write a check and mail it to the name and address on the form filled out when the Lottery Calendar was bought. Each Calendar has one chance to win each day, but that chance is 3x higher because each lottery calendar has 3 numbers on it!

You want a special deal, you say? Savvy shopper, you. Get 3 for $60 !!!
(It’s a fundraiser, handicap-accessible entrances don’t grow on trees.)

See you on Sunday!

Body and Soul

Please join us for an explanation of the “Theology of the Body” and what it means for human intimacy, gender, marriage and love.
Sundays during Advent (December 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd), 2024, from 6:15pm – 6:45pm in the double classroom at St. Mark. Presented by Paul and Lucy Schemel.

Chili Cook-Off

Show off your chili cooking prowess and enjoy an evening of fellowship at St. Mark’s following the Saturday evening Mass!

The Knights of Columbus will host a chili cook-off after the 5PM Mass on November 2, 2024. All are invited to bring their tastiest crock pot of chili and join in the festivities. Prizes will be awarded for the top recipe! Tasting cups and condiments will be provided.

All parishioners are invited to enter their best, hottest, or most famous chili dishes! See you there!

For further information contact:

  • Mark Horn at hornmd14@hotmail.com
  • Brian Luger at brian.luger@comcast.net

We need to hear from you!

Bishop Senior and Father Augusty ask that all parishioners age 18 and up please take this 10 to 15 minute survey that can be accessed through this online link until November 26, 2024.

The survey asks you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enables you to provide your perspective on our parish’s efforts to help you grow in relationship with Christ. All responses will be confidential.

Be sure to take the survey for the church where you are registered.

Upcoming Parish Survey

Disciple Maker Index

The St. Mark and St. Luke Parish is on a journey – know, love, and serve Christ in our parish community. Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.

The very first step in this process involves assessing our greatest strengths and opportunities, and that is where the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) comes in! The DMI is an important survey tool that invites you to reflect on your discipleship journey here at St. Mark and St. Luke. The Disciple Maker Index is designed to:

  • Invite parishioners to reflect on their journey of discipleship.
  • Enable parish leadership to make data-driven decisions.
  • Help parishioners grow in their faith.

Bishop Senior is asking that all parishioners age 18 and up please take this 10–15-minute survey that can be accessed through an online link from October 18 – November 26. It will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide your perspective on our parish’s efforts to help you grow in relationship with Christ. All responses will be confidential, and the parish will only receive information about the community as a whole. We will share the link with you a bit closer to the launch of the survey. Paper surveys will also be available for those who do not have the ability to complete the survey online.

Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.

Thank you for helping with this important project and please continue to pray for this intention and for the growth and protection of our parish. 

Fishing or Sightseeing Trip Raffle!

Tired of catching nothing but Monday blues? Reel in a chance at the ultimate fishing adventure! Grab a raffle ticket and hook a big win!

  • Grand prize is a fishing or sightseeing trip!
  • Second prize is a wheeled cooler!
  • Third prize is 2 folding rocking chairs!

Pick up raffle tickets after Masses at St. Mark and St. Luke, or call or stop by the church office (717-597-2705).
Act fast, the drawing is after the 5PM Mass on Saturday September 7, 2024!