Sundays following 9 am Mass at St. Mark
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori program that leads children to meet Jesus Christ as the Shepherd who loves and cares for them. In a busy world, CGS nurtures a spirit of quiet and contemplation. It helps the child to listen to Scripture and see the liturgies of the Church in a deeper way.
This fall, we are excited to increase our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd offerings. We are opening a second atrium (classroom) so that both Level I and Level II can meet on Sundays following 9 am Mass at St. Mark.
Participation in the Mass every week is expected, as it is crucial to the child’s spiritual growth: It is at Mass that we meet Jesus in the Eucharist.
Level I: Age 3 through Kindergarten
The youngest children are introduced to the heart of our faith: the love of God shown for us in Jesus Christ. They learn of His Incarnation, His life on earth, His death and resurrection. They enter into the mystery of the Eucharist by learning about what they see and hear at Mass: the articles used, the gestures made by the priest and their origin in the actions of Jesus Himself.
Level II: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade
Central to this stage of catechesis is Jesus’ proclamation that, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me, and I in him will bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” The child is encouraged to consider his relationship with God and all those in his life: family, friends, parish and the larger community. Jesus’ moral parables are pondered, and the prayers of the Mass are more deeply considered.
Preparation for first Reconciliation and first Holy Communion
Sacramental preparation is a two-year program that ideally begins in the fall of a child’s first grade year, or at about age six. It includes two years of participation in the Level II atrium and a series of parent/child sessions designed to deepen our awareness of God’s presence in the sacraments.
The sacraments are generally received in the spring of second grade, but this can take place the following year if a child has a late start.
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