Religious Ed Registration Please scroll down to register. 2024-25 Religious Ed Registration 2024-25 ProgramsWelcome to St. Mark and St. Luke Religious Education! You can scroll down to register for: Age 3 – Grade 3, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Grades 4 – 6, Family Catechesis Grades 7 & 8 Confirmation Preparation High School Catechesis Please see additional tabs under Religious Education for program descriptions. Religious Education fees are $30 per child for K-8th grade, plus an additional $10 for 2nd grade and $65 for 8th grade. Payments may be placed in a marked envelope in the collection basket or sent to the parish office at 395 South Ridge Avenue, Greencastle. If you are unable to pay, just let us know and please register anyway; we want to have you in our program.High school catechesis is free of charge.Some of the questions below are not required. If you do not answer them, we will consider that your information is unchanged from last year.Please contact Lucy Schemel at or call the parish office at 717-597-2705 with any questions.Are you a member of: St. Mark the Evangelist Parish St. Luke the Evangelist Mission Other/NeitherFamily NameAddressAddress Line 1CityStateZip CodeFather’s First NameFather’s Last NameFather’s Email (or family’s primary email)Father’s PhoneFather’s ReligionMother’s First NameMother’s Last NameMother’s Maiden NameMother’s Email (or family’s primary email)Mother’s PhoneMother’s ReligionCustody InformationIf a parent is non-Catholic or has not received first Holy Communion or Confirmation, would you like information on the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults? YesHow many children will you register, from age 2 through high school?– Select –1234567Child 1First NameLast NameGender– Select –MaleFemaleBirthdateReligious Education Grade– Select –Preschool (age 3-5)KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12Please describe any medical or learning data of which we should know, including allergies, inhaler or epi pen use, etcIs your child a new or returning student?– Select –Returning StudentNew Student: Please submit a Baptismal and First Holy Communion certificate (if applicable) to the religious ed officeChild 1 SacramentsHas this child been baptized?– Select –YesNoBaptism DateChurch of Baptism, with City & StateHas this child received first Holy Communion?– Select –YesNoFirst Holy Communion DateChurch of first Holy Communion, with City & StateChild 2First NameLast NameGender– Select –MaleFemaleBirthdateReligious Education Grade– Select –Preschool (age 3-5)KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12Please describe any medical or learning data of which we should know, including allergies, inhaler or epi pen use, etcIs your child a new or returning student?– Select –Returning StudentNew Student: Please submit a Baptismal and First Holy Communion certificate (if applicable) to the religious ed officeChild 2 SacramentsHas this child been baptized?– Select –YesNoBaptism DateChurch of Baptism, with City & StateHas this child received first Holy Communion?– Select –YesNoFirst Holy Communion DateChurch of first Holy Communion, with City & StateChild 3First NameLast NameGender– Select –MaleFemaleBirthdateReligious Education Grade– Select –Preschool (age 3-5)KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12Please describe any medical or learning data of which we should know, including allergies, inhaler or epi pen use, etcIs your child a new or returning student?– Select –Returning StudentNew Student: Please submit a Baptismal and First Holy Communion certificate (if applicable) to the religious ed officeChild 3 SacramentsHas this child been baptized?– Select –YesNoBaptism DateChurch of Baptism, with City & StateHas this child received first Holy Communion?– Select –YesNoFirst Holy Communion DateChurch of first Holy Communion, with City & StateChild 4First NameLast NameGender– Select –MaleFemaleBirthdateReligious Education Grade– Select –Preschool (age 3-5)KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12Please describe any medical or learning data of which we should know, including allergies, inhaler or epi pen use, etcIs your child a new or returning student?– Select –Returning StudentNew Student: Please submit a Baptismal and First Holy Communion certificate (if applicable) to the religious ed officeChild 4 SacramentsHas this child been baptized?– Select –YesNoBaptism DateChurch of Baptism, with City & StateHas this child received first Holy Communion?– Select –YesNoFirst Holy Communion DateChurch of first Holy Communion, with City & StateChild 5First NameLast NameGender– Select –MaleFemaleBirthdateReligious Education Grade– Select –Preschool (age 3-5)KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12Please describe any medical or learning data of which we should know, including allergies, inhaler or epi pen use, etcIs your child a new or returning student?– Select –Returning StudentNew Student: Please submit a Baptismal and First Holy Communion certificate (if applicable) to the religious ed officeChild 5 SacramentsHas this child been baptized?– Select –YesNoBaptism DateChurch of Baptism, with City & StateHas this child received first Holy Communion?– Select –YesNoFirst Holy Communion DateChurch of first Holy Communion, with City & StateChild 6First NameLast NameGender– Select –MaleFemaleBirthdateReligious Education Grade– Select –Preschool (age 3-5)KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12Please describe any medical or learning data of which we should know, including allergies, inhaler or epi pen use, etcIs your child a new or returning student?– Select –Returning StudentNew Student: Please submit a Baptismal and First Holy Communion certificate (if applicable) to the religious ed officeChild 6 SacramentsHas this child been baptized?– Select –YesNoBaptism DateChurch of Baptism, with City & StateHas this child received first Holy Communion?– Select –YesNoFirst Holy Communion DateChurch of first Holy Communion, with City & StateChild 7First NameLast NameGender– Select –MaleFemaleBirthdateReligious Education Grade– Select –Preschool (age 3-5)KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12Please describe any medical or learning data of which we should know, including allergies, inhaler or epi pen use, etcIs your child a new or returning student?– Select –Returning StudentNew Student: Please submit a Baptismal and First Holy Communion certificate (if applicable) to the religious ed officeChild 7 SacramentsHas this child been baptized?– Select –YesNoBaptism DateChurch of Baptism, with City & StateHas this child received first Holy Communion?– Select –YesNoFirst Holy Communion DateChurch of first Holy Communion, with City & StateAdditional QuestionsWould a parent or teen like to volunteer in any part of our program? Please let us know your interests here and we will contact you. We’re glad to have your help!Emergency ContactIn case a parent cannot be reached, please give an emergency contact name and number.Emergency Contact First NameEmergency Contact Last NameEmergency Contact Phone numberAdditional adults who may pick children up from religious education.First & Last NameRelationshipPermissionsI understand that every effort will be made to contact me in a medical emergency. In the event that I cannot be reached, I give permission to parish staff to secure all proper and necessary treatment for my child(ren). I understand that no liability is assumed by the parish or the diocese for claims that may arise. YesParental consent for medical care: In case of an emergency, I give permission for my child to receive emergency medical treatment and, if necessary, be transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility. YesI understand that photos of my child(ren) may be taken and used in parish publications including web and print media. YesSignature (please type)Religious Education fees are $30 per child for K-8th grade, plus an additional $10 for 2nd grade and $65 for 8th grade. Payments may be placed in a marked envelope in the collection basket or sent to the parish office at 395 S Ridge Ave, Greencastle. If you are unable to pay, just let us know and please register anyway; we want to have you in our program. I will put the payment in the collection basket or send it to the parish office. I am unable to pay at this time.Thank you for your registration. We look forward to seeing you at St. Mark’s! If there is any additional information you would like us to have, please let us know here.Submit Form