Forty Hours Devotions at St. Mark

Sunday April 21 – Tuesday April 23, 2024


Evening Prayer and Homily on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 PM (Homilist: Most Rev. Ronald W. Gainer).

Adoration on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday after the 9:00 AM Mass until 7:00 PM.

If you can commit to a time for adoration, please sign up on the sign-up sheet after Mass or with the parish office so that we can ensure the sacrament is attended at all times.

Volunteers are needed to help with our parish Easter egg hunts!

Volunteers are needed to help with our parish Easter egg hunts! The hunts will be on Sunday, April 7, the week AFTER Easter.

There will be two hunts:

  • one hunt following the 9:00 AM Mass at St. Mark, and
  • one hunt following the 11:00 AM Mass at St. Luke.

Volunteers are needed to hide eggs during Mass, and to assist with the hunt after Mass. If you are willing to help in either way, please sign up on the volunteer page on the Parish Website!

Lenten Dinner Friday March 15

Please join us for our last Lenten dinner of the year tomorrow, Friday March 15 2024! Dinner starts at 5:00 and ends at 6:30 – followed by Stations of the Cross in the church. Dinner is in the St. Mark Social Hall. There will be a 50/50 drawing at 6:15! We hope to see you all there!

Lenten Dinners

Mr. Fish says "join us for a fin-tastic meal!"

Save the Dates!!!

We will have two Lenten fish dinners! Friday, March 1 and Friday, March 15. More details will be available soon.

If you would like to volunteer to help, please use the volunteer page on the website or write your name on the Lenten Dinner Helpers sign-up sheet in the church after Mass!

Holy Hour for Life

Sunday, October 29 at St. Mark’s

6 pm -7 pm

Join us for an hour of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament, as we pray that the life of every person, from conception to natural death, will be protected in our laws and cherished in our hearts.